Life got a little exciting since I last posted. But I have
been making mental and physical notes for blog posts, so I guess I’ll just post
a bunch of things at the same time. They aren’t exactly travel blogs in the
traditional sense, but hopefully they’ll be vaguely interesting to people…
I spent last weekend back at Mount Holyoke for our 2-year
reunions. Mount Holyoke has a big sister-little sister scheme, where you get a
big sister from the class two years above you, to mentor you and look after you
and things, so since reunions are the same weekend as graduation we get to go
back and watch our little sisters graduate. And we get to see all our friends
and it is just lovely.
Maybe I look back on my time at MHC with rose tinted
glasses, but I think it really was one of the happiest years of my life, and it
radically changed who I am and how I see myself and how I look at the world, so
going back was amazing and emotional and fantastic. It probably doesn’t help
that it’s much more acceptable to have emotions in America, and they go out of
their way to make people have emotions, but I went a little mental while I was
back. It literally got to the stage where I was almost in tears from using my
one card to swipe myself into the dorm I was staying in. It was super super
One of the best things I did while I was there was go to one
of the back to school classes that were put on for reunion attendees, which was
on Mount Holyoke songs and traditions. It was led by this amazing MHC alum who
graduated in 1944 and had a little half sized guitar and sang songs with us.
Apparently back in the day each dorm had a song leader and they would all come
together once a week and sing songs together, and they had special songs to say
thank you to people, or to recognise someone who had done something really
good. It was kind of brilliant. We sang a lot of songs about find boyfriends,
and being drunk, and mocking other seven sisters students, as well as the
adorable ones about loving other people in your dorm, and some really lovely
nostalgic type songs about the MHC campus. It was also really interesting to
talk to the other alums who were at reunions about how they saw Mount Holyoke
students and other five college students.
It was just very special, and not something I could imagine
happening at many places other than Mount Holyoke. I suppose Mount Holyoke is a
special place, and one I am very very honoured and proud that I got to be a
part of, even though it was for a short period of time. Being part of Mount
Holyoke feels almost like being part of a family. Maybe this is something you
get at any smaller university, but I guess because the traditions at Mount
Holyoke are so strong, with Elfing and Big Sisters and Mountain Day and Pangy
Day and J Show and Laurel Parade and Canoe Sing, things that have been
happening for over 100 years, that you have a link with other alums in a weird
This was also obvious when I stayed at my friends’ house the
night before reunions. They live in a flat which they rent from a Mount Holyoke
Alum class of ’62. They don’t know this lady, but she took them into her home
(the flat is at the top of her house). What was also lovely is that this lady
sees her first year roommates every couple of months to spend some time
together. Recently they had bought Ukuleles, and so I went down and played with
them and chatted with them. It was so lovely. Isn’t it amazing how music brings
people together?
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