Sunday, 21 February 2010

Being British.

Excuse me while I just go off on an English one... but...


Yesterday, I thought we were heading into spring, this was quite exciting, since it was very warm and sunny (in the sun although actually it was still quite cold - the ground was all frozen) and I thought we were going to bypass the whole yucky rainy spring thing, and go straight into the sunny warm spring thing where I can wear pretty dresses and such. I got to run around in the sun yesterday at Lacrosse and it was lovely. We're working on some top secret plays so that we can befuddle the seconds in our match in a couple of weeks. At one stage we were told to do sit ups everytime we dropped the ball, so now my camp hoodie is all muddy, so I'm going to have to wash that before Camp Reunion times next weekend. It was all very nice and sunny and pleasant. I was planning to get up this morning and do some work, wash my hair, and then go watch the girls play rugby.

These plans were foiled a little when I woke up this morning and realised we had MOUNTAINS of snow. Ok so not quite mountains, but plenty of snow, plus it was still snowing. So essentially we have gone from late spring weather, right back to mid winter weather... WHY? I think this is very silly and irresponsible. As much as I enjoy larking about in the snow, I would rather all the snowy bits got lumped together and then all the warm bits got lumped together, so I don't have to rethink my clothing choices quite so much. It's just a little inconvenient. Although I did have fun chasing through the snow and pelting people with it, less so when David then pelted ME with snow as I was struggling to get in the front door, filling my lacrosse boots with snow as he did so....

So all in all, crazy weather times. Still all's well that ends well...

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